3: Roots and Energy!

It was very rainy and very chilly. However, being able to stand and hear the rain was a really lovely experience. My roots encounter: cold ground on a physical level, a bit wet, the chill leaking through my soles. I am wondering what the plants and trees are doing, rooted into the cold ground. Are […]

2: Leaves!

The lake was really beautiful today, especially after the rain. For sounds, there  were birds and water drops pattering. I could hear a crow and also the faint sounds of a songbird. The smell was wet wood and dirt, humidity, and smoke. It smells like fall. It feels a little chilly, but humid. I could […]

1: Sitting by the Lake

I am glad my college has a lake, one that is beautiful, filled with wildlife, and ringed by trees and benches. I thought, being in the middle of a city, it would be all cobblestones and pavement, but every time I walk by the lake it feels like I am far away, in someplace much […]