#5: Sorrento

When I wrote the notes for this prompt, I was in Sorrento and unfortunately a bit sick again. I heard a variety of languages around me – Italian, German, what I thought was French, from the tourists. I heard very little sounds of nature. I was so high up that I couldn’t hear the ocean, […]


Right now it’s late evening, but despite that, as always in Singapore, it is hot. Though it’s started to finally cool off a bit, cooling off only means it’s now 85 and humid instead of 95 and humid. I’ve gotten adjusted to it now, but it’s made me think of the way natural life has […]

Finale :(

I realize that this is my last time by my tree, my sit-spot, and it has been a place where I’ve been able to debrief. More importantly, it’s the perfect place to remember that we need to always take care of nature, as it is the reason why we are alive. It becomes so easy […]

Blog #5: Le mistral

As I retuned to my sit spot today and paid close attention to the sound around me, I heard the sound wind striking the tree. “The mistral” is a phenomenon here in Aix, which is a strong wind that comes from North Africa that usually lasts for a few days. It could be very strong […]

#3: Water and Energy

I am posting this blog about a month after I wrote it (and so these observations are from March), as well as the photos! I am excited to show the changes as we are finally getting through April, and into May. As I’m sitting, my “roots” encounter dry earth, pigeons, cigarette butts, and fresh daises […]

Water and Energy

In South Africa, approximately 85 percent, or 42,000 MW, of the nation’s electricity is generated via coal-fired power stations. Burning coal is harmful to the environment in many ways. Burning coal in power plants emits hazardous outdoor air pollutants: particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, mercury, arsenic, and various other heavy metals. Despite […]

#2: Market Day

The sights, smells, and sounds were very different in the park today than when I last went. Fridays and Saturdays there tends to be a big market in the piazza adjourning, which also stretches up along the park. Closing my eyes, I hear viral Tik Tok songs, smell fried food, car exhaust, and rain, and […]

Gatinhos in Brazil #2

As I find myself in a place foreign to me, I ponder the many versions of me that could have existed. My sit spot in front of the tangled tree is home to a black cat whose meow is high-pitched and scratchy. I find it silly that, more than likely, this cat is more fluent […]

#1: In Bologna!

The sit spot I decided on is on my way to class, Parco della Montagnola. Italian cities are pretty paved over – there is very little greenery – and so this is the most natural space I was able to find. From my dormitory, the walk is shaped like an L, with the park at […]

6: Art, Literature, & Media

I ended up climbing a tree while my friends were visiting – a tree perfect for climbing, horizontal and with a trunk almost flat over the water. My friend ended up climbing way high into the tree, while I stayed back, looking at the roots and the water pooling around the edge. I started to […]