Week 6: Cézanne

The memory of Paul Cézanne looms omnipresent in Aix-en-Provence. The impressionist and cubist painter was born and raised in Aix and died in his studio here. The city is infinitely proud to have been the lifelong-home of this much celebrated painter, and they continue to admire him. He represented the landscape, the light, and the […]

3: Roots and Energy!

It was very rainy and very chilly. However, being able to stand and hear the rain was a really lovely experience. My roots encounter: cold ground on a physical level, a bit wet, the chill leaking through my soles. I am wondering what the plants and trees are doing, rooted into the cold ground. Are […]

Prompt 4: Local & Climate Change

I’ll start with some unfortunate news… construction has gotten a little too busy right next to my sit spot, and I’m forced to find another. I’ve been thinking about a place near a patch of bougainvillea trees on campus! It’s near the front of campus, so loads of students pass under them every day. I […]

Week 3: Roman Roots

Thinking about the subject of water in Aix-en-Provence is especially pertinent to the city’s history and the general history of modern civilization. In the first century BCE, modern-day Aix was under the control of the Roman Empire. They founded a city here named Aquae Sextiae, which is where the word “Aix” comes from in the […]

Final Blog Post

I feel incredibly fortunate to have studied abroad in Paris for a semester. I was able to learn so much about the culture, the people, and the environment in Paris and beyond. In Paris, I developed a new hobby of going to museums, and I thought it would be nice to have my final project […]


It has been an emotional week as I returned to my sit spot, knowing that it will be my last time there. I have noticed how the trees were leafless when I was there, and now they are filled with loads of green leaves. The flowers, on the other hand, are covering the entire green […]

Final Blog Post

Kalispera! My courses are officially over, and all I have left are finals. In three weeks, I will be home again, except I won’t be returning alone. The day after my last post, I rescued a kitten and she has been with me since. Her name is Venus and she’s only three months old. Venus […]

Final Blog Post

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to take time in Freiburg to volunteer and help to preserve the natural environment, especially regarding the wonderful sit spot I found. I’m attaching a photo of the beautiful sunset that Freiburg gave me, right next to my sit spot, on my final night in the city. It was […]

Week 8 – Reflections from Freiburg

As I finished up my final week of studies last week in Freiburg, despite the whirlwind of finals, Model EU, packing and goodbyes, I found myself looking back on my time abroad and my local engagement. The most impactful thing I noticed while living in Germany was the sense of reverence and pride regarding Freiburg’s […]