Week 8: Agent of Change

Hi everyone! This coming week will be my final week of courses. I have enjoyed each course and learned much from all of them. Time has flown since I arrived in Cyprus, but I am ready to go home. I know I will miss the warm and sunny days, however, I am excited to return […]

Entry 8 – Reflection

Today was the last day of academic classes at my host university, and I’m grateful that I can end the day by being present here at my sit spot. I walked by the park after what I thought was closing time, but it turns out that the park is open later in the evening when […]

Week 7: Cyprus & Climate Change

Yassas everyone! The end of my semester is fast approaching and the past couple of weeks have kept me busy. A month ago, I was able to visit Athens, Greece for a couple days and it was surreal. My trip ranged from museums to archaeological sites, like the Parthenon. Shortly after, I traveled to Marrakech, […]

Prompt 8– Activism

Ciao a tutt*!  Exams are quickly coming and while stressed, it is hard to be upset when the sun is shining and flowers are pushing their way up through the concrete. Thinking about when I arrived in Italy in December, it is crazy how much I have learned and grown.  My experience as a Paulson […]

The Nation and Climate Change

I returned to my spot today and noticed how green the trees have become. I remember how they were leafless when I first arrived. I am no longer shivering as I am sitting at my sit-spot anymore. Nature is beautiful and I am very appreciative of the German’s government effort in dealing with the issue […]

Entry 7 – Changes

I am here at my sit spot on a cloudy morning. Today is a Monday morning, but it’s busier than usual here at the park because it’s Labor Day in Europe. There are families here with children chasing around ducks. This is the first time I’ve seen ducklings out and about at this park; I’m […]

Journal Entry #8: Activism

The past few months in France has really opened my mind about the things we can do to save the environment. I’ve started actively using an anti food-waste app. Not only does it save meals from being wasted, it also saves a lot of money. I’m hoping to continue using this app back in the […]

Journal Entry #7 – The Nation and Climate Change

I am not sure of the specific measures that the French government has taken to combat climate change. One policy I’ve heard is that France is aiming to eliminate green house gas emission on French soil by 2050, which is an ambitious goal. Climate education is also part of the primary and secondary school curriculum. […]