June 2013 archive

Planning for the new academic year

I spent a couple of days at the annual conference of the Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges (CLAC) at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester. Whenever I have gone to this campus I just go to their campus center, attend meetings and come back. I had no idea that they had such a beautiful, sprawling and hilly campus. The conference provided an excellent way to reconnect with many colleagues from other small liberal arts colleges. These meetings provide a forum to share what each of us is doing and the fact that we are so similar in many ways helps. Despite those similarities, there are considerable differences either because of geography, budget constraints and other things. I was pretty excited to hear that Occidental College has launched a very ambitious academic commons project and I requested Marsha Schnirring, the Associate Vice-President for Scholarship Technology there, to share any planning documents with us. By the end of the day yesterday, she had mailed me a few! We are also witnessing significant turnover in leadership in IT organizations and it was great to observe all the shuffles and connect with many of the new leaders, who are also from other CLAC schools and have risen through the ranks. And the hosts were fantastic!

I can’t believe that June is already over. Time to start planning for the new year. At the LTS senior leadership retreat a few days ago, we developed a plan which we will discuss in detail a bit later. I discuss briefly some of the plans in this post.


A significant gap for CIOs – Student Relations

I should be writing more often than I have been and I need to fix it. That means I need to get my priorities right! Had a good time visiting Montgomery Bell State Park near Nashville, TN where my wife had a conference. We hiked a lot and I played golf at the Frank G. Clement Golf Course. It is a very well maintained public golf course that is also cheap. There were two major issues at the park – food and wireless. Wireless worked well for a day and then it was out for a whole day. My Verizon MiFi signal was poor, so I had to rely purely on AT&T phone. Given the news about the NSA data mining on Verizon calls, may be Verizon servers were too busy serving up the data that they were not servicing the MiFis!

One thing that I have been thinking about lately is how little I interact with one of the largest constituent base – our students. I am sure that this is a serious issue for most CIOs. We have very strong relationships with all administrative offices and therefore several senior administrators and administrative staff. Similarly, we have strong interactions with a significant number of faculty to support their technology (and in merged organizations, library) needs ranging from hardware to shrinking collections to electronic journals to increasingly digital scholarship projects. Our relationships with students is literally non-existent in comparison.
