Sister Kathleen volunteers once a week in the Children’s Ward at the Tokyo Cancer Hospital. When she started, decades ago now, she was made to sign an agreement that she would not proselytize to her patients on their sick beds. As a medical professional, her job is to speak to children and families about their […]
Author: ll104
LL – Peace, water, and the state
On Wednesday evening, 06/14, Sophia University held a symposium entitled “How can Japan, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the United Nations work together to advance their support for Afghanistan?” Featured were representatives of each of these organizations, two of whom had been flown out from Jena, Saudi Arabia for […]
LL – Zen in All Trades
In the mountains above Takamatsu, Roshi Daito Noda continues on as he has been for the last several decades. In brief, he is extending the temple, drawing upon the historical involvement of Buddhist institutions in communal life with a spirit of humble innovation. A pilgrimage lodging, a dojo, a special education school, several green houses, […]
LL – Zen Stomach
Accounts of Zen eating Even in the off season, Hayama’s Imperial Village is well-guarded. A combination of guards and police patrol the beach and the lazy commercial district where, on a late February afternoon, full-timers shuffle to and from the grocery store and retirees stroll. We are here to visit the Zen master’s second house, […]
LL – Introduction
Dear all, It’s snowing in Tokyo today, which makes this the perfect time to sit still for a second, something I could not manage during zazen this morning. I’m writing from a Zen temple in Shinagawa, a large suburb, where I arrived yesterday, marking the start of a two week stay. My room is in […]