Shanghai Blog Post #8: Business trip to Hangzhou!

A few weeks ago, my former intern boss, Gary Wang (interviewed in blog post #3) contacted me, asking if I wanted to meet with an industry friend.  “She’s an HR Director in a leading industry innovator company,” he said. “Sounds great!” I replied. Little did I realize that the friend worked in Hangzhou, not in […]

Shanghai Blog Post #6: Avengers Mania!

If you thought the Avengers was only big in the US, you should really come to China.  The recent release of Avengers: Endgame has exploded at the box office, taking in $330 million in the first weekend alone, which is right on the tail of North America’s $357 million opening.  During its first five days, […]

Shanghai Blog Post #4: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

During a pivotal moment in the sweet, albeit critically-mixed teen drama, If I Stay, a character utters this line: “Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you.” As I continue my networking project, decision-making has emerged as the crux of career paths, with active choices carrying nearly equal weight with the reactive […]