공헌유랑단: Mentoring Program in Gumi

This semester I am interning for the Domestic Planning Team at the Seoul National University Institute for Global Social Responsibility (IGSR) (서울대학교 글로벌사회공헌단). During January and February I was working full time, and since the semester started I dedicate my Fridays to the internship. IGSR works on a variety of events and projects, but the […]

Japan: Networking Meeting #4

The fourth person I interviewed for my networking component was a Wellesley alumna who works for a credit rating agency in Tokyo. She was incredibly inspiring and helpful and was one of the most interesting insights into the finance industry that I have gotten so far. She was extremely nice and a role model for […]

Japan: Networking Meeting #3

Hello everyone. The third person that I interviewed for my networking component of the program was a JET program Coordination for International Relations (CIR) in the neighboring prefecture of Ibaraki. I met him through a school trip with the Middlebury School in Japan (the exchange program I am part of in  ICU, Tokyo) and decided […]

Japan: Networking Meeting #2

The second person I interviewed was a person who had graduated from my high school network, United World Colleges (UWC), was from Japan and after studying university abroad in the UK decided to go back to work in his home country, Japan. He also works for the big four (Deloitte, PwC,  Ernst& Young and KPMG) […]

Japan: Networking Meeting #1

While I was working for JOIN during my internship I was at a 10 story building with many different companies. One day after work, I was on the elevator with another person who approached me and asked me what I was doing in the building. After explaining that I was working at JOIN, she explained […]

Shanghai Blog Post #8: Business trip to Hangzhou!

A few weeks ago, my former intern boss, Gary Wang (interviewed in blog post #3) contacted me, asking if I wanted to meet with an industry friend.  “She’s an HR Director in a leading industry innovator company,” he said. “Sounds great!” I replied. Little did I realize that the friend worked in Hangzhou, not in […]

Translation Project

My main project during the semester at my internship has been making an English version of a book produced by IGSR. The book is an illustrated children’s book called 북극곰이 파래요 (The Polar Bear is Blue). The book was produced to deliver the moral of embracing differences and living together in harmony, and brings the […]