Shanghai Blog Post #6: Avengers Mania!

If you thought the Avengers was only big in the US, you should really come to China.  The recent release of Avengers: Endgame has exploded at the box office, taking in $330 million in the first weekend alone, which is right on the tail of North America’s $357 million opening.  During its first five days, […]

Korea: Networking Meeting #4

The fourth person I interviewed is doing linguistics research at Yonsei University and teaching while working on his PhD dissertation. I wanted to interview him because I am majoring in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences and wanted to learn more about linguistics research. In linguistics he is most interested in grammar, specifically morphology. He is currently […]

Korea: Networking Meeting #3

My third interview was with a culture and content planner at a company that creates lectures and programs aimed toward people who want to achieve various goals. She became interested in creating this type of content after attending a lecture that exceeded her expectations and really helped her sort through some difficulties in her life. […]

Korea: Networking Meeting #2

For my second interview, I met with my manager from my internship at the SNU Institute for Global Social Responsibility. She had previously said to me her work was very valuable to her and she felt a sense of purpose in it so I was interested in hearing about it in more detail. From a […]

Korea: Networking Meeting #1

As I am currently trying to explore paths that I could take after graduation, I am approaching these interviews as a way to learn more about careers that might interest me. I hope through these interviews I can narrow down which things might fit better than others, so that I can start making a plan […]

Shanghai Blog Post #4: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

During a pivotal moment in the sweet, albeit critically-mixed teen drama, If I Stay, a character utters this line: “Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you.” As I continue my networking project, decision-making has emerged as the crux of career paths, with active choices carrying nearly equal weight with the reactive […]

Seoul International Marathon

On March 17, I ran the Seoul International Marathon! Since this spring I’m not doing track at Wellesley, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to run my first marathon. I had into several obstacles in the months leading up to the marathon that made my training less than ideal including bad air quality […]

Sofia Ginard’s Bio

Hello Everyone! My name is Sofia Ginard and I am the 2018-2019 Ted Wang Fellow for Tokyo, Japan! I am currently spending my semester abroad at the International Christian University (ICU) through Middlebury’s School in  Japan Exchange Program, which Wellesley has a partnership with. As classes don’t officially start until April in Japan, I spent […]

Seoul National University

I can’t believe it’s already been a month since the semester started! One of the most striking things about Seoul National University is… the campus is huge. It’s the biggest university campus in Korea, and is also built on a mountain, so the uphill climb seems to never end. Walking around Wellesley’s campus will seem […]