Your genome and you

More on personal genomics, as Razib Khan uses himself as an example of personal decision-making based on genomic data:

It turns out that one locus determines most of the effect of this trait, and that locus has been genotyped in 23andMe. Using Promethease I ran my genotype, and it concluded I was a slow metabolizer. This has some utility in terms of when I take my medication. And it’s the first time that I can think of 23andMe giving me “actionable” information.

About Adam Van Arsdale

I am biological anthropologist with a specialization in paleoanthropology. My research focuses on the pattern of evolutionary change in humans over the past two million years, with an emphasis on the early evolution and dispersal of our genus, Homo. My work spans a number of areas including comparative anatomy, genetics and demography.
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One Response to Your genome and you

  1. zacharoo says:

    I like this take, from 30 Rock (
    Tracy Jordan: Doctor Spaceman, when they check my DNA, will they tell me what diseases I might get, or help me to remember my ATM pin code?

    Dr. Leo Spaceman: Absolutely. Science is whatever we want it to be.

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