I have fallen extremely behind posting partly because scheduling with Maricruz has been difficult. Our meeting day is usually Tuesdays, but Fall Break (10/15), Tanner (10/29), and Thanksgiving week (11/26) required us to reschedule, sometimes having to meet twice in one week. I think by this Friday, we will have made up for any sessions that we have missed.
Over the course of the past month and a half, I think I have made significant progress in at least understanding Maricruz and being able to more effectively work with her. I met with Professor Viti after expressing some concern about the first paper, and the meeting was extremely helpful. I learned more about Maricruz’s writing background in WRIT 125, and I have been able to use this information to help change the way I work with her.
One of the things that I think that might be at play is either a learning disability or just a lack of confidence. Maricruz takes a very long time to put together her ideas and come up with a final version of a paper, but when she does, it is thoughtful, well-written, and does not contain many significant errors. I think she might be someone who works better under low-pressure circumstances, with flexible deadlines and open-ended prompts. I think in this sense, we have worked well together because I have been flexible (perhaps overly flexible) about deadlines, and I have encouraged her to change topics or let her topic evolve as necessary. I think she is also someone who does not want or need too much oversight – as I said before, she is a strong writer and thinker, so I think sometimes she might feel a bit patronized. I can see why she would struggle in a regular class which has set deadlines, more specific prompts, and requires you to respond to the professor’s feedback quickly and thoroughly. Not that she isn’t capable of doing so, but perhaps the pressure causes her to back out.
That being said, I have been a bit frustrated at times when Maricruz will come to our meeting and will say something along the lines of “I don’t have anything written for today [despite there being a deadline], so maybe we just shouldn’t meet today.” I have been kind of caught of guard by this (it has only happened once or twice), but I felt the need to assert myself and make sure that we did stay for the whole class period. I think it is difficult for both of us to know how to best use class time since she does work so independently and I don’t think it would be a good use of her time to just have her do thinks like writing practice thesis statements since she already does that quite well.
Today, I think we were particularly productive, as she brought a first best effort to class. I was able to go through and “nit pick” to find sentences that could be re-written or improved. This is always kind of fun to do with good writers, because they tend to rise to the challenge and really improve their work. Maricruz seemed to respond well to this, and it was fascinating to see how quickly she could radically improve the sentences that I highlighted for editing.
We also spoke about the final portfolio, which she seems to be on-board with. We have set the deadline for the end of reading period, and I am confident that she will turn it in and get credit for the course.
One thing that I have learned about Maricruz over the course of the last month or so is that she is not lazy or disengaged, as I had first suspected. I think she is really someone who needs to work on her own time and on her own terms. For example, for the last two papers, I have made the length 3 to 4 pages, and she has exceeded it both times, clearly willing and interested in writing thorough papers about topics of interest. I am pleased by her efforts, and I can see why she might struggle in other, less-flexible courses.