Author: lalexis

Declaring My Major

I am finally a college student! I officially declared my major as a Peace and Justice Studies Major with a concentration in International Human Rights. I finally feel like a legitimate college student because I have a purpose; something to shape my classes around. The best part about attending a liberal arts school is the majors and areas of study.…

Walking around Campus

Wellesley is a beautiful place and I often find myself just walking around, listening to music. Sometimes, I am in the mood to take a walk and see where my feet take me. This is a great way to relax and collect your thoughts. I often think my most interesting ideas while walking. one of my favorite places to walk around…

Rest and Relaxation

College can be stressful. You have all these things to turn in on time, away from home, new people, and if you as unlucky as I was the first semester, and 8:30 class. *gasps* At Wellesley is where I came across the idea of self-care. Essentially taking care of yourself when you feel stressed out. Or doing so regularly to maintain a happy mind. The…

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