Hello hello! I’m back a bit later this week than usual, with some exciting updates! Usually, I try to post weekly, but this past week, I found myself overloaded with work. But I just turned in my first paper and it feels great! We’ve just completed week four now (halfway through term 2!) so the craziness is justified. Today, I…
Author: Shreya

What Felt Like the Longest Week Ever
Phew! It has been quite an eventful week. Monday was my 21st birthday! I had a lovely day – definitely not what I imagined it to be, but still very special. The first part of my day was filled with meetings and class, but after I had time to celebrate. My parents and I ended up going for a sunset…

Second First Day of Senior Year
Happy November! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween and enjoyed their extra hour (re: daylight savings if you’re in the U.S.!). Last week was the first week of term 2: I thought of Monday as the second first day of my senior year. Adjusting to my new classes and schedule made the week fly by! I also…

Resting and Resetting
Hi everyone! Welcome back. It’s been a while since I last posted, because last week I took a much needed break! After a term that went by at lightning speed, it was really nice to slow down and catch my breath for a full 7 days. I realized I never talked about my term 1 finals and how they went.…

Weekly Updates and Reflections
We made it to the end of Week 6, which means one thing… final exams are next week! The term system has really kept me on my toes. I spent way too much time on a Statistics problem set on Thursday and Friday, so this weekend is a much needed break from it all. After a Netflix Party watching Legend…

What Being a Virtual Student (at Wellesley!) is Really Like
Hello hello! Welcome back to another post. We have two weeks left of term 1, so final exams and papers are imminent. Before jumping in to my post today, I wanted to share some fall@Wellesley photos Katie sent me the other day. I can almost feel the crisp air and hear the crunch of leaves on the ground. Over here…

Civic Engagement and The Lovely Group on Campus Known as Ministrare Council
Happy Fall everyone! Fall is my favorite time of year, in general and at Wellesley. Some of my friends on campus have been sending me pictures of Wellesley recently, and it’s evident that the leaves are starting to change and the weather is becoming cooler. In San Diego, it’s still very warm – I think it’s going to be in…

My Term 1 Courses: A Full Plate
Hello hello! Not going to lie, I had to look at my Google Calendar to remember what happened this past week. It was a busy one (when is it not?), complete with the first exam of my senior year, an interview, and plenty of meetings. It’s the beginning of week 4 now, so I wanted to share a little about…

Honey, I’m home!
Welcome back everyone! I wanted to quickly (re)introduce myself, in case you’re new here: My name is Shreya, and I’m a senior at Wellesley this year. Where has the time gone?! I’ve been blogging for the Wellesley College Admissions Office since my sophomore year: I’ve written weekly posts about my summer internship in Boston, experience studying abroad in Cambridge, England,…

The End of Almost the End
To be honest, I have been procrastinating on this post for a long while now. I couldn’t really get myself to write a farewell junior year post, given how the semester ended so abruptly and whatnot. Special thanks to Sophia for nudging me to post this! Anyway, I thought it would be best to reflect on what a whirlwind year…