First of all… CONGRATULATIONS to all of the amazing humans who were accepted in to the class of 2022! I am so excited for all of you and can’t wait to meet some of you over the next couple of days during Spring Open Campus! While it’s be a couple of weeks since I last wrote a post due to…
Author: staylo13

I waited to write this post because I wanted to talk about tonight; it was Big/Little!! It’s when a current member of an organization becomes a “big” or big sibling to a new member. Some of you might have heard of similar things happening in sororities and fraternities, but it’s a little different at Wellesley. I say this because it…
Class Simulation
Yesterday I had an amazing political science class. It was probably one of the best classes I have ever had at Wellesley. In my Nuclear Politics class (Pol 338) we did a class simulation based on discussions had during the Carter administration regarding nuclear strategy. We were each assigned a specific member of President Carter’s cabinet. I was assigned Secretary…

Wait… So What’s A Society?
This weekend is the weekend that the society I am apart of, the Agora Society, get its new members! I am one of the three membership coordinators this semester and it is our job to manage and plan everything that goes into recruiting and integrating new members. Since Agora is such a huge component of my Wellesley experience I felt like…

What Wellesley Has Taught Me
First of all… CONGRATULATIONS to all the fabulous humans who received their EDII acceptances last night. I, and all of my classmates, can’t wait to have you join us on campus in the fall! While I said that I was going to vlog this week, I couldn’t bring myself to vlog out and about (I got super embarrassed every time I tried to…

Life Updates
Hello! After six weeks of break and one week of classes, I’m finally back on the blog. This semester I’m doing something a little different– taking five classes. Before I talk about that, though, I feel like I should do a brief re-cap of what happened while I was gone: I worked at a spin studio back home. It was…
End of Semester *Vibes*
First of all… CONGRATULATIONS to all of my new Wellesley siblings! I am so excited for you all to be a part of the siblinghood. In honor of finals season being upon us and the semester ending, I made a new playlist! Here is my winter/study/end of semester playlist! I hope you enjoy. xoxo, caroline

Musings & Finals Szn
10 days 17 hours 07 minutes and 47 no 46 seconds until I am done with the fall semester of my sophomore. It’s wild how fast it has gone by and a little unnerving that there is so little time left. I still have so much left to do: buy Christmas gifts for friends and family, write essays, study for exams and…

Holiday Season
So last week came and went without a post. I was caught up in the idea of home and then actually being at home. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it marks the beginning of the holiday season and I also just love canned cranberry sauce. This year, however, I am going to try something new– I…

Sophomore Spring a.k.a Avoiding The Slump
I’ve been warned over and over about this dreaded thing called the sophomore slump. “You can’t avoid it!” they say, “you just have to push through and then junior year will be better”. So far, I’ve managed to dodge the so-called slump and hopefully, the spring will be just as good. Last week was a big week. I registered for…