Author: temple

I love these guys!

When the prospective students ask what some of my favorite things about Wellesley are, I always mention our amazing faculty and staff. They really seem to love interacting with us, and consistently demonstrate a willingness to help students.  Today was one big example of this. While I was getting breakfast, a woman who works in the cafeteria (she doesn't know…

Back at it!

Hey guys!! My name is Temple Price, and I'm a sophomore (GREEN CLASS!) here at Wellesley. I've been blogging since last year, and I'm psyched to start sharing with you guys again. I suppose I should start with a little bit about myself. I am from Little Rock, Arkansas, although my family moved to Louisiana in the middle of last…


So I’m coming off of a 3 day weekend! Fuuuuun, fun, fun, fun! It was Spring Week. Events included a Wale concert (free.99 to Wellesley students, $10 off-campus), a hip hop dance performance, and (my personal favorite) the annual Ethos fashion show! The theme this year was Avant-Garde, and it was just that! The weekend was capped with Marathon Monday!…

Sunny Days

Spring is in the air! I love warm weather, and after a New England winter I can appreciate a high in the seventies so much more! I frolicked in the town of Wellesley, (also known as “The Ville”) today. I certainly wasn’t the only one. I do need to give my books more attention though. You know, a lot of…

Come Visit Me!

So I’m back from Spring Break – waaaah! Just kidding! Actually I’m feeling optimistic about the rest of the semester. There is much to be done – papers, projects, and tests as usual. Then there’s planning for the future. This week, I’ll start the processes of choosing my classes and dorm room for next year. It’s hitting me that I’m…

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