Category: Caitlin’s Blog Archive

Reading and Running!

My brain… is moving… at negative speed. Hahaha:) It’s been a long week and I’m fried! Track practice has been awesome. Yesterday I got to go over miniature hurdles. I have a long way to go with my running form… but I’m ready! After spring break, meets will start and that will be so much fun:) My family may even…

Spring has sprung and Track has begun! ;)

I know this is counterintuitive to the whole getting in shape for track thing… but I just had a cream cheese brownie and it was possibly the most delicious thing I have ever eaten… *Hallelujah Chorus* (I recommend you taste test some desserts if you come to visit. Truly, that should be number one on your college check list.) Anyway!…

Snow up to my eyeballs!

Woah! We got a lot of snow this weekend. And Friday class was canceled:) And This weekend is a long weekend too because of President’s Day. We are just luckin’ out;) Even though I’m used to lots of snow at home, this past weekend was crazy. We got so much snow OVER NIGHT! And I had never seen Wellesley so…

I’m Baaaaack!

Hello everyone! I’m back:) I’m not gonna lie… It’s tough to come back after break. I miss my family and my good friends from high school a lot. I got back Sunday afternoon about the same time one of my roommates returned. We had a good reunion and we both agreed it was a little sad to be back after…

Nutella and Applications!

At the moment, I am eating a PB&J and Nutella sandwich while watching Psyche with my momma:) Vacation is so sweet;) Okay, okay, so I’m not a total bum. I’ve been working on my RA application. I’m really excited about it! I hope I make the cut! I’ve also been running and Nordic Skiing everyday. I’m feeling good. I’m ready…

Old Faces, New Feelings

Yesterday, while working at the movie theatre, I saw a very good high school friend that I probably haven’t talked to since graduation. We struck up a conversation about college and our changed lives. I was surprised by how much we had to talk about. I was even more surprised that she had had a similar first semester, despite the…

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