Earlier this week I received a little postcard in the mail from the College with the words “Save the Date” and “You are cordially invited to Wellesley 142nd Commencement Exercises on Sunday, May 31st, 2020”. Receiving the postcard was like a reality check. 2020 does not sound like a real year and I am having difficulty understanding how time could…
Category: Laïssa’s Blog

Art at Wellesley
I’ve been taking an Art History class on African Art taught by Professor Nikki Greene. It is definitely one of my favorite classes that I have taken at Wellesley. Although I am not an Art History major, I love art. I have always wanted to formally study it, but never really found the time. I am very glad that I…

Autumn Wonderland
Is Autumn Wonderland a thing? Wellesley has exploded in colors this Fall and wonderland seems to be the only proper way to describe it. I was away for last Fall in Senegal so I forgot how beautiful Autumn is. Since Wellesley is essentially a forest with buildings in it, there is tons of beauty to admire. It’s been raining this…

Family weekend !
Although I was just home, my mother and grandmother decided to pop over to Wellesley for family and friends weekend. The weekend is filled with events for parents and friends who come to visit their Wellesley student. It was a way for me to show my family the places I talk about so much when I am at home. I…

fall break 2019
I couldn’t come up with a title that correctly encapsulated my awesome weekend. This past weekend was Fall break and took the opportunity to take a much-needed trip home. While home, I attended a panel discussion about the life of one of my favorite writers, Toni Morisson. I was deeply affected by her death and hoped that this event would…

Back for the fourth time!
Hey, I’m back! No, introduction needed. But if you are new, my name is Laïssa. I am a senior, class of 2020 (finally!). I have been writing on the admissions blog since my first year and look forward to tieing things up in my last. When I last wrote, I was on my way to Morocco for an internship. I…
Au Revoir, Genève
Today is my last day in Geneva. I am writing this from a cafe by the lake. One of my favorite places to get work done here. I can hardly believe that I am leaving. The semester flew by quickly. My experience in Geneva turned out to be very different than from what I was expecting but I am very…
lunch near the lake
To finish off our semester in Geneva, the undergraduate program had a little farewell lunch. We gathered with the coordinators of the program and our mentor to discuss our past semester. What we learned, what we saw and what we are taking away. We also discussed our future and plans for the summer. We ate lunch at a beautiful restaurant…

time flies
One of my favorite things about Geneva is the diversity of people. There are people from all over the world in Geneva. In fact, I do not know many actual Swiss people, everyone seems to have origins somewhere else. Living in Geneva does not feel very Swiss, and in fact, many Swiss people outside of Geneva would not consider it…

swiss cheese, swiss cheeses ?
Switzerland is the land of cheese. And yes, Swiss cheese is not real Swiss cheese. There are apparently many different types of cheeses in Switzerland. So, this week, our program group decided to explore where it’s most famous cheese is made, Gruyères. The town is a small town in the Swiss countryside where the grass is green, cows are plenty…