Category: Lia’s Blog Archive

Commuting, Comedy, and Celebrity Crushes.

The playlist of this week, featuring Childish Gambino: I was just telling one of my fellow bloggers that I feel like all I write about in these blog posts are the things I do over the weekend. Believe me, I’m studying at Wellesley too — but I generally like to keep myself busy with other things (like going to shows,…

Concerts and Cake – my birthday!

It was my birthday last Friday! I remember last year on my 18th birthday thinking, “this time next year, I’ll be celebrating my birthday in college.” I had the same thought again on November 7th, when I was talking to my mom and brother on the phone. It was already the 8th in Japan, and they kept asking me “what’re…

Reevaluation and Registration

Before I get to the more serious stuff, I thought I’d tell you about my halloween. I’m not the biggest fan of halloween — I haven’t ever really enjoyed it in the past, and didn’t think I would this year either. But I ended up going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show “viewing” on Wednesday and it was a lot…

Busy Being Baffled!

October has been a whirlwind of a month. I promise, I’ve been studying, but I’ve found that a lot of the events (lectures, movie screenings) I attend at Wellesley are far more interesting to talk about, as well as definitive of what my experience here is really like. So, here is a quick run down of four events I attended…

Community, Culture, and Questions.

This week was filled with activities for the Japan Club for me. We had our Executive Board retreat where we cooked Japanese food (omuraisu, or omelet with ketchup rice), a Big-Little-Sister event where we made more Japanese food (onigiri, or rice balls) and planning for our upcoming events. Halloween is in little over a week, and JC will be hosting…

Starbucks, Schools, and Sugar!

This week’s playlist: We had an extended weekend – fall break! I had the choice of going up to Canada for the 4 days, but chose to stay on campus/in Boston instead. I took the opportunity to do some much needed laundry, vacuum the floors (which I hadn’t done since move in day…woops!), and write letters to family and…

Eclectic Events

Happy Autumn! Here’s this week’s playlist: It’s been a busy week here at Wellesley. These past few days especially, I think I’ve been able to take advantage of what Wellesley has to offer. The close-enough-to-Boston location and academic as well as extracurricular activities offered to students here is very different from what I was exposed to in high school. Here’s…

Davis Days

Here’s this week’s playlist: I got to visit the Davis Museum twice this week. The Davis Museum is an art museum right here on campus, and is open to anyone. Their current exhibits range from Monet to Mesoamerican vases; even if you aren’t an art person, if you have the chance to visit I promise you’ll find at least…

Settling in and Seeking out

 Here is this week’s playlist: Hi there! A little over a month has passed since I first arrived at Wellesley. I am still amazed at how beautiful this place is, especially at around noon when I’m having lunch at the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. So far that’s where I’ve found the best food, although Bates Dining Hall is…

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