Category: Campus Photos

Sept 24 : (Sopho)more work to do
One month in to the first semester and I’m already so busy to the point that I’m writing this post (which should have been published hours ago) at midnight, as a break between Bio homework and Spanish homework. (view from my dorm on the fifth floor of Tower… yea, I get to see this every night.) Â Wellesley, you overwhelm me.…
Nearing the Finish (of the halfway mark)!
I am halfway done with college. Let’s just think about this: half. way. Well… besides my Chinese recording that I haven’t turned in yet. It’ll get done;) I have until Tuesday! As in tomorrow lol… So much has happened this past week that I am just going to give you a visual of the highlights. I honestly could’t even remember…
Finals are here!
It’s that time of year again: Finals are here. Its actually not that bad, we just like to complain;) I only have one test (for my computer science class). Even though I don’t have much to do, I will be here until the 23rd because track is still happening. Our last meet is the 17th! I’m so sad to see…
Spring Week is (too much) fun.
Can you believe this? We’re almost done with April. That means my first year at Wellesley is coming to an end (and so is your last year of high school.. whaaat)… And what better way to end the year than by being outdoors in the beautiful sun enjoying all this campus has to offer when the weather is nice. SLATER…