Category: Campus Photos

Wellesley Traditions

Plenty of colleges have fun traditions, but I’m especially partial to Wellesley’s. In no particular order, here are some official Wellesley traditions (and a few unofficial ones as well!): -Hoop rolling. This is the classic! Seniors race to see who can roll large wooden hoops down a path the fastest. Underclass students gather, sometimes camping out, to save a spot…

last week of class

This week has been the last week of class. The campus is so beautiful right now with vivid shades of green from the grass and the trees. (See pictures below). This week has mostly been about winding down, submitting assignments and just getting ready for the summer! Because of the amazing weather, I finally took that lake walk or part…

My Dream Week, Incoming

Fall break, and I’m sitting on my childhood bed with my violin at my feet. I would have updated sooner, but the academic push up to break has demanded nothing less than my full, unwavering, attention. A chemistry exam that was quite frankly brutal, a partial scientific paper on sgRNA transformation, on top of the “weekly maintenance” for classes and my…

Let’s Talk While I Wait For My Train

I’m currently sitting at the Yawkey train station, watching the entire city of Boston go by. For some reason, even though it’s 5:30 pm, the traffic into the city is heavier than the traffic going out. The last few stragglers are wandering into the Red Sox game. Fenway park is right across the street, and I had to dodge the…

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