Category: Campus Photos

Fall Break

So I went home to upstate New York for the weekend. The leaves are in full color there! I took a hike with my Dad and these are some of the views we encountered:   Monday afternoon, I returned to Wellesley to find that the leaves here are catching up! Here are a few pictures taken right outside my dorm:…

Orientation begins!

I’m so excited!!! Orientation has gotten off to a great start. All the fall athletes are back on campus and Wellesley feels less like summer camp and more like school everyday.


A beautiful picture of the lake I snapped the other day while on a stroll around campus.

I’m getting excited for classes to start. This semester, I’m taking a class at Babson called Personal Nutrition. I’m pretty excited to learn about the science of digestion and health without having to spend three hours in a lab once a week:) Also, I’ve never taken a course off campus so it will be a great adventure!

My other courses aren’t 100% finalized yet… by the time you get to be a senior you kind of stop worrying about it. I know it will work out. I do know I’m taking the last Chinese language course available to me. I’m not sure how I’ll continue my language studies next semester. That will be an interesting dilemma… I am contemplating creating an independent language study course.

In other news, I have begun job searching. This basically consists of me googling cool companies that I like and know and seeing if they’re hiring or offering summer internships. It’s actually pretty fun:) I’m hoping to get some of the leg work done now so that when I start to get stressed I already have some ideas. A lot of my friends are planning to go right to grad school so their paths are a little more straightforward (but just as demanding).

To all the first years who have just arrived on campus, welcome:) I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other around. Please come eat with me if you see a short brunette decked out in Wellesley Blue in the dining halls;)


This was too good not to share: Athlete Mentors chowing down on a Ben & Jerry’s Vermontster. #ColdTimes


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