Category: Classes

last week of class

This week has been the last week of class. The campus is so beautiful right now with vivid shades of green from the grass and the trees. (See pictures below). This week has mostly been about winding down, submitting assignments and just getting ready for the summer! Because of the amazing weather, I finally took that lake walk or part…

Paris (again!)

The one advice I would tell students at Wellesley and the incoming class of 2022 (!!!!welcome!!!), is to take the classes that you like and are most interested in. That’s what happened when I chose to take a class called Black Paris. Black Paris is class in the French department that focuses on postcolonial theory and particularly relating to Africans…

Classes for my Spring semester

I realized I haven’t told you about the classes I am taking this semester! Well here is a quick rundown. I am taking a French class called Black Paris: ‘Postcolonializing ‘ the Seine. It explores the life of Black immigrants to Paris through readings and watching films. We discuss writers like Franz Fanon and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. It has been a…

The Progression of My Day (and sea urchins)

9:50am. Developmental Biology. Today’s lecture is on how cells differentiate into different tissue types. How do cells become neurons, or muscle, or blood? The concluding message is that potency, what a cell can become, is greater than fate, what a cell will become. I find this very poetic, and moving for some reason, and it is so beautiful it makes…

What I’m taking my last semester

Already we’re into February, and the first week of classes has breezed by. I’m taking three classes this semester: Biochemistry, Developmental Biology, and Game Theory. Plus, I have my senior thesis project at my Brigham and Woman’s Hospital lab still ongoing. Each day ticks closer to the April 27th thesis deadline, and already this week I have had two long…

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