Category: Current Affairs
Statistics, Supermoon
Well, this blog tonight is coming to you from a brain that has been doing statistics nearly the entire day. That means a tired brain, a brain that feels like mush, a brain that feels more like a t-distribution than a normal one. Statistics jokes. I have an Econ Stats midterm tomorrow, in case you couldn’t tell. I went in…
With Her
Twas the night before the election…I’m currently lying on my bed, my bed in Hillary Clinton’s old dorm Stone Davis. Tomorrow, the woman who once walked through these same walls surrounding me at this moment may become the first female president of the United States. I’m not the most adept or comfortable at talking about politics, besides agreeing generally with her…
Fall break & flight bookings
Fall break is already coming to a close. Tomorrow morning, once again, I will find myself wedged on a Greyhound bus bound for Boston, as we creep our way past the places I’ve never visited but now have memorized-New Rochelle, Bridgeport, New Haven, Westerly, Kingstown. I’m so relaxed right now, which is part of the reason this update is coming so…
On coming home
Hello everyone! I hope you had a delightful and restful thanksgiving. This post is coming to you somewhat later than usual, but I have a wonderful excuse; I just got back from a long catching up session (over Panera!) with my two best friends from high school. Even if it’s only for a couple days, it’s wonderful to be home,…