NYC If you live in the northeast you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say this past weekend was unreal. I think that might have been the coldest I have ever been in my entire life. When I saw that it was -20 degrees out – and couldn’t tell if that was Celsius or Fahrenheit – I knew I…
Category: Fun

Turning twenty (and trampolines)
Happy Friday everyone! I am (number-wise) officially a year older since we last spoke. Twenty is a big birthday, in my opinion. It’s a very round number and marks entering an age of maturity. So naturally, I celebrated in a very adult manner: by gathering up some of my closest Wellesley friends and going to a trampoline park. That’s right,…
Guess Who’s HOME
I’m baaacckkkk! I returned to Wellesley on Sunday afternoon in the midst of a torrential downpour. My loving family got soaking wet helping me unpack the car into my temporary wintersession housing in McAfee. During January, everyone on campus lives on the east side of campus in Freeman, McAfee, or Bates, regardless of where you live during the school terms. Wintersession…

Finishing finals and fun to come
Remember how I said I would be done with finals the next time I wrote to you? Well, this post may be coming to you a little later than usual, but I did keep my promise! I just handed in my last exam all of ten minutes ago. Dobby is a free elf! It’s definitely hard to muster up the…