Hello blog, and happy Wednesday! This is the first real week of classes, and I’m beginning to realize that I really need to straighten out my priorities if I want to do everything that I want to do on campus; I’m taking five classes, working three jobs, and participating in a music ensemble this semester, which is quite a…
Category: Homework

Crossing Things Off My To-Do List
Howdy blog, and happy Thursday! This week has been the week of finally getting around to things, which means that I’ve been super productive and have done many things that I can tell you all about. Go me! The first big thing I got out of the way this week was probably the most exciting: I got my…

Mission: Registration
Howdy blog, and happy Thursday! I am proud to announce that as of 8:01 this morning, I am officially registered for my sophomore fall semester classes. As per the norm, my Twitter feed has been filled with students panicking over saved schedules, wait lists, and back up courses for the past week. Personally, I’ve never had any major difficulties on…

April Come She Will
Happy April Fools! Today marks the second day of reading period here at Wellesley, which is no laughing matter. I’m currently knee deep in research for my final history essay, and I’m preparing to take my Tolstoy exam tomorrow, too. I will be the first to admit that this term definitely kicked my butt, and at the end of…

Another Week, A Couple More Stories
What a week, blog! I’m really getting back into the swing of things here on campus, and not a moment too soon (one could argue that it’s a little late, given that there’s only one week of classes left in Term 3, but I’m choosing to be grateful it happened at all)! I haven’t exactly stuck to the letter…

Getting My Head Back in the Game
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the transition back to living on campus hasn’t exactly been easy for me this semester. I’ve found myself being really unmotivated to get anything done and constantly waiting for the time in between classes, after homework and practice times and meetings are over and I can just lie in my bed and pretend my…

Home for break
My only final was a research and analysis paper due on Thursday. I was going to stay in my dorm until then so I could focus on that and pack later, but with a sizable amount of snow coming, I decided to come home Wednesday evening. I have the luxury of living 20 minutes from campus, so when people asked…

Movin’ Right Along
According to my countdown app, today marks my 90th day on the Wellesley campus! It’s a little weird to think about that; ninety days ago I packed up all of my stuff from Hotel Wellesley and rode a bus for ten minutes to reach my home for the next four years. It definitely wasn’t the beginning I had imagined at…

An ode to Google Calendar
Every Sunday, when I sit down to write my weekly blog post, I open Google Calendar to look for something to write about. It’s a recap of everything I did during the week (plus some things I thought about but chose not to do). It also serves as a diary of sorts. In the future, I can look back to…

Weekly Updates and Reflections
We made it to the end of Week 6, which means one thing… final exams are next week! The term system has really kept me on my toes. I spent way too much time on a Statistics problem set on Thursday and Friday, so this weekend is a much needed break from it all. After a Netflix Party watching Legend…