Category: New England Weather

The One with Thanksgiving Break, The First Snow of the Season, and Pre Finals Fun

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last blog post since we had Thanksgiving Break last week. We have a lot to catch up on! For Thanksgiving break I went back home to NYC (again), but this time I brought my roommate and hallmate, who are both really good friends of mine. They both live pretty far from Wellesley…

Shreya’s Summer Updates

Hello, hello! The Lumpkin Summer Institute for Service Learning has been going swimmingly so far! In addition to attending a two hour seminar weekly and interning for 35 hours at our placement sites, Lumpkin interns are required to have dinner together once a week. The dinner usually takes place in one of our Northeastern dorms, or on sunny evenings, outside…

It’s November?!

Hello hello! Course registration for Spring 2019 is tomorrow for sophomores, which means this semester is flying by as usual! This is my favorite time of year at Wellesley. With Tanner last Tuesday, Halloween on Wednesday, and then my birthday this past Friday, I’ve had such a memorable last week! Not to mention, the campus currently looks like an autumnal…

I declared! And other news…

Hello hello! Today, I’m writing to you as an official Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major!   I declared my major last Thursday night. Although the process was quite simple, I skyped with my family in Clapp library and my friend was there the entire time, so the moment was quite memorable! The deadline to declare a major is December 1st of…

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