Tuesday was a big day: I had my last class of undergrad. My philosophy professor gave us time to work on our final papers, so I spent the hour and change reading philosophy stuff on my own. Class ended, and off I went. It was anticlimactic. Wednesday was food truck day. Wellesley brought in a bunch of food trucks, which…
Category: Weather

I went skiing in Vermont!
I’ve lived in Massachusetts my entire life, but I didn’t touch a ski until two weeks ago. I joined the club nordic ski team this year because I needed a winter sport. It was harder than I expected it to be, and I fell harder on my bum than I expected to. But I’ve gotten a little better at each…

Half Marathon Day!
I’m currently squeezed into my dorm bed with my mother. It’s 5:12 p.m. on a Sunday. Let me explain how we got here. My mom picked me and my friend Alison up at 5:30 this morning and took us to Cambridge, where Alison and I ran a half marathon. It was a balmy 67 degrees at the start line (hello,…

The Countdown Begins
Hello blog, and happy Monday! It was a beautiful spring day in Massachusetts today, and while I spent most of it inside at the Computing Help Desk in Clapp Library, I have managed to get outside quite a bit in the past week. Last Tuesday, my friend Emma and I took a walk as far as we could around…

When I Touch the Water
Hello blog, and happy Monday! Today it was a beautiful 60 degrees and sort of sunny in Massachusetts; I spent most of the day at the Computing Help Desk in Clapp Library resetting passwords and sorting through tickets for more experienced tech support workers, so I unfortunately did not see much sun today. I did manage to get out…

Another Week in the Life
Hello blog, and happy Monday! Today has been a very long and very cold day, but it’s been a pretty okay one. This past week has really been very long and very cold, but there have been many highlights, some of which I’m here to tell you all about. First of all, I’m making great progress on my knitting…

Presidents’ Day (It’s Time to Reflect)
Hello blog, and happy Monday! Today I am feeling very grateful for time off and time in between, and the rest of this blog post will be, in some way or another, an elaboration on that idea. First of all, today was Presidents’ Day, which means I had a beautiful three day weekend. Personally, I think every weekend…

February Seven
Hello blog, and happy Monday! Today marks my first post of February, which is very exciting to think about. We’re only one week away from one of the year’s best holidays: Valentine’s Day! I was always a huge Valentine’s Day as a kid. When I was in elementary school, we used to call our classroom Valentine parties “Friendship…

Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Hello blog, and happy Monday! Wellesley is looking a little different today than it was last time I wrote: this weekend New England was hit by a blizzard and we got what I read was maybe sixteen inches of snow. Being from Iowa, this was much less of a big deal to me than it was to a lot…

Spring Break [And Senior Week!]
Hello hello! Term 4 has hit hard, and I am insanely behind on posting. The thesis is due in less than two weeks! I started to write today’s post on FDOC and never quite finished. Here it is! Happy FDOC (first day of classes)! Today marks my last first day of college, ever. Wild! I won’t get into too much…