Empire State of Mind

Here's to a fantastic Thanksgiving break to all of you in the states!

If your turkey dinner was as delicious as mine, then you are probably debating whether or not you ever need to eat again. I think my body can probably subsist off of that one dinner for a week. I hope everyone caught up on sleep, ate great food, and spent time with family and friends. My break was spent in Manhattan, where I stayed with my good friend and her gracious family! We window shopped on 5th Ave, went on a few runs in Central Park, saw lots of her high school friends, and of course visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We also got pedicures, ate too many sweet treats; the indulgences were quintessential, and I don't regret eating a single piece of home-made pumpkin pie.


in front of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel with the Chrysler Building in the background

All of last week's festivities were incredibly fun yet tiring. The Harvard-Yale football game was sooo crazy (Harvard won!), my semiformal was a hoot, and Chiddy Bang performed at Wellesley with an exciting stage presence that the Wellesley/Babson/MIT audience loved!

I'm writing from my desk at Wellesley now. Though I heart NY, it will be nice to settle into a routine here at school in time to focus for final exams (eek!). Time to get down to business.

Have a great week! I will be writing again on Wednesday 🙂



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