
Whew – back from Thanksgiving break! It was really nice to see not only my family, but also my dear friends from high school. Believe it or not, you may eventually miss the high school classmates who get on your nerves now. 

I’ll admit that I didn’t do much homework during the break though.  In my high school, some teachers tried not to weigh students down with work during holiday breaks – no such luck in college. As soon as this blog post is finished, I will be spending some serious time in the library to finish and print a paper that should been completed this weekend.

That being said, I am happy about the way I spent my break – shopping, eating, and catching up. Situations like Thanksgiving Break are opportunities to experience tradeoffs – I’m tired now and probably will be for the rest of the week as I try to catch up. On the other hand, I can do work anywhere, but I can only see my mom during particular times and in particular places. So I have no regrets. On other nights I’ve spent hours watching Real Housewives of Atlanta when I could have and should have been studying or searching for internships. I do end up with regrets in those instances.

I think that I learn from each decision I make though, whether it ends up positively or negatively.  I haven’t got tradeoffs mastered, but doing so is a goal of mine, and I feel like Wellesley is helping me out. 


from , my guilty pleasure – The "Real" Housewives of Atlanta. Don't judge me guys.

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