
Hi blog!!

I am writing to you as I am currently on my way to the Dartmouth v. Harvard game. My boyfriend goes to Dartmouth and his frat took a bus down to Harvard to come watch the game and tailgate. It’s going to be very fun which is fitting since it’s Halloween weekend. After the game, I’ll probably take a nap and rest up because my friends and I are going out for Halloween. We’re going to pregame at a bar and then go to one of our favorite spots in Boston—tavern in the square!

This week has been far less stressful than the last. Additionally, I got some graded assignments back that I’ve been waiting for and they were very reassuring for my anxiety. One of the best things about Wellesley is the professors—they are incredibly understanding any respectful. I was supposed to have an assignment due this Friday, and after a student reached out to them explaining that this week was very busy with midterms the prof decided to extend the deadline to next Tuesday. Wellesley is a very good college. There’s been moments in my college career where I tried to escape Wellesley and there’s been moments where I’ve never been more thankful to attend. I think this is normal for any college student. However, I think have a solid friend group is quintessential to surviving Wellesley or any college for that matter. The people and mindset you surround yourself with determines a lot. College can be very difficult because you’re finding yourself, spending time making friends as well as taking on extracurriculars. Staying true to yourself and being present is the most important thing. I am a very different person now as a senior than I was as a first-year. I experienced a lot of growth during my three years in college, especially my time away from Wellesley. The pandemic and the challenges it brought was one of the hardest things to survive but if I made it through that I can make it through anything.

Till next time,


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