Already four weeks in Spain?!

I know I said this last week, but really, time flies in Córdoba… and in Seville and Granada, where I spent time this weekend. I just got back from an overnight to Granada with the whole Preshco group. My ears are plugged from the change in altitude, so I’m chewing tasteless gum and nursing my water bottle. I read an article on ETA, the armed Basque nationalist group, for my language class tomorrow, but before I get to work on my essay about public transportation in Córdoba, I’ll take you through my week. 

Monday: remote language class (I have my own session since I have a conflict with the main one), in-person language class, lunch at home, dance class, ice cream with a friend

Why are the cones so tall here?

Tuesday: class, class, lunch, ceramics workshop, dinner with our conversation buddies from the University of Córdoba

Wednesday: long-ish run (7 miles) because I had the morning free, covid test (negative), course registration (yay!), lunch, therapy, dance class

Thursday: class, class, lunch, photography (walking around taking pictures with friends), meeting with a professor, a bit of studying

Friday: Seville! Charlotte and I walked 15 miles (my 32,399 steps were definitely a record for a non-running day). It was hot. The day was long. But it was so much fun. We ate vegan cake at 11 am, toured the Alcazar and took photos of various plazas, ate traditional cordobés food even though we weren’t in Córdoba (salmorejo slaps), and complained about how our feet hurt. 

Carrot cake from Veganitessen 😀

Saturday: Preshco took us to an olive oil factory, where we compared virgin olive oil to the best extra virgin olive oil in the world. At first, I liked sample number one, but after tasting the fourth, I couldn’t even stomach the smell of the first one. We got to Granada around 6:45, and I spent the evening walking around taking pictures, then got takeout from a vegan restaurant. 

Taste test! I think 3 was my favorite, but 4 came in a fancy cup, so I’m not even sure.

Sunday: We toured the Alhambra this morning. It was beautiful. I have so many photos, but I haven’t edited them yet. We were free for lunch, and I shared three types of vegan sushi with two friends, then ate a ridiculous dessert: a golden chocolate egg filled with a brownie and ice cream. (I could live in Granada, I think.)

Vietnamese roll! My favorite of the sushis. (It’s not even sushi, is it?)

I napped and read on the bus ride home, and now it’s almost time for dinner. My schoolwork is weighing on my mind, but I’m so happy with how much fun I’ve had this week. 

From my run this morning in Granada

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