On some Sunday nights, I realize I spent most of the weekend doing schoolwork. I’ve gotten better at finding a good work-fun balance, which I’ll go into in a future post. But this past week, I realized why I tend to do so much work on Saturday and Sunday. It’s because I do so many fun things during the week. …
The One With First Gen Day and Quest Day!
Hi everyone! So about two weeks we celebrated First Gen Day, which is a nationwide celebration on many college campuses to celebrate the success of first generation college students and recognize their hard work and contribution. As a first generation college student myself, it was really meaningful to see such a day set aside to recognize the unique challenges as…
Behind the Scenes of Claflin Bakery
I’m the food rep for my res hall, Shafer. Once a month, all the food reps meet with folks from Wellesley Fresh, our dining service, to learn about what’s going on and share feedback. Every other meeting is an interactive; we get to go behind the scenes. This past Thursday, we got a tour of Claflin Bakery, the on-campus bakery…
Art at Wellesley
I’ve been taking an Art History class on African Art taught by Professor Nikki Greene. It is definitely one of my favorite classes that I have taken at Wellesley. Although I am not an Art History major, I love art. I have always wanted to formally study it, but never really found the time. I am very glad that I…
Guy Fawkes Celebration: A Night of Fireworks and Bonfires
Happy Friday! Hope everyone is doing alright. I’ve heard from friends that it’s been chilly over on the east coast and Wellesley experienced the first snowfall of the season! Cambridge has become colder, but no snow here (yet?)! I’m writing today’s post cozied up, drinking tea on a rainy and cloudy Friday afternoon. I wanted to keep today’s post brief:…
One Big Course
I came to college thinking I might double major in English and Spanish with a minor in math. I’m not taking classes in any of those subjects. The course catalog turned out to be way too broad and deep for me to stick to what I already knew and liked. My first-year seminar—a discussion-based class just for first-year students—is in…
What (Studying At) Cambridge (As a Visiting Student) Is Really Like
Hello hello! With a little over five weeks to go, I thought I would talk today about what it’s like to study at the University of Cambridge. It’s been extremely different from my experience at Wellesley – but that doesn’t make it any less exciting, or rewarding! As I’ve mentioned earlier, academics at Cambridge operates based on the supervision system.…
You, too, can take a gap year!
Two years ago, I submitted my ED application to Wellesley, and the waiting began. I’d recently resolved not to bite my nails, so I counted down the days biting my lip instead. But regardless of the outcome five weeks later, I knew what I’d be doing the next fall: living with a host family in Ecuador. My gap year was…
Hello, November!
Happy November everyone! Oh my goodness. I’m feeling so much better, and I have a few updates to share from this week! After 14,000 words, seven papers, and quite a lot of philosophical musings, my Philosophy of Mind supervision (or “supo” as Cambridge kids would say) ended on Wednesday. It felt bittersweet to end my paper, but I still have…
Autumn Wonderland
Is Autumn Wonderland a thing? Wellesley has exploded in colors this Fall and wonderland seems to be the only proper way to describe it. I was away for last Fall in Senegal so I forgot how beautiful Autumn is. Since Wellesley is essentially a forest with buildings in it, there is tons of beauty to admire. It’s been raining this…