Some Coffee?

Work has taken over my life. It really has.

I am less than two months away from graduation, which also means I am two months away from the official start of my job. What I mean by this is that up until June, my job is technically volunteer work. Although the amount of work right now is pretty intense, it running a camp will be entirely different from planning and preparing for it. 

I am really enjoying the administrative tasks so far, which is really interesting to think of as I consider my career prospects. I have loved writing the grants, managing hiring (applications and interviews), scheduling field trips, and coming up with themes and initiatives.

I also finally got a co-director! It is great to have someone to discuss ideas with and share the workload with, but this person happens to be one of my closest friends and I don’t like that all of our conversations since she got hired have been about work. We’ll have to figure something out soon to make it work.

I am also trying something new next week that I hope goes well. It is a lifestyle change that I’m hoping will make me healthier and help me have better management of my blood sugar levels. Wish me luck.

I am honestly struggling to find much more to say, so I promise a more thorough post next week. Until then ~

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