This week has been a pretty quiet week. I did all the normal things I do in a week. I am starting to get really involved with my classes. I met with one of my professors during office for the first time this semester and had a really fruitful discussion with them. I submitted my first paper of the semester…
Tag: college

Course Selection Time
It’s hard to believe that the semester is half over! I feel like I only just started. But midterms are over, professors are talking about final projects, and Thanksgiving Break is approaching rapidly. Most excitingly, course selection time is coming up! With most of my major, minor, and distribution requirements taken care of, I have a lot of freedom in…
I am learning in Dakar!
In this post, I will be giving you a rundown of the classes I am have been taking here in Dakar. I am part of the Development Studies program where we study ideas about development specifically related to Africa. With this program, we discuss and dissect development (economic, social, political) in order to understand the challenges facing so-called developing countries.…
rain, rain, go away
What a rainy April! It has been raining every day for almost a week now. While it’s a sign that Spring is here (!), I am starting to not like this rain. Marathon Monday was this past Monday. This is the day when the Boston Marathon is held. Part of the marathon runs past Wellesley so tons of Wellesley students get…
Paris (again!)
The one advice I would tell students at Wellesley and the incoming class of 2022 (!!!!welcome!!!), is to take the classes that you like and are most interested in. That’s what happened when I chose to take a class called Black Paris. Black Paris is class in the French department that focuses on postcolonial theory and particularly relating to Africans…

End of the Fall Semester 2.0
We had our last day of classes recently and officially closed this Fall semester 2017. I am currently in the process of studying for finals so this post won’t be too long. However, I wanted to say a few things. First, I am grateful for all the experiences I’ve had and things I learned. Second, I am hopeful for next…

bowl is life
This past weekend I went bowling with the program I volunteer with. I may have mentioned this program before but BRYE or Boston Refugee Youth Enrichment is the program that I volunteer with. We work with 2nd to 5th graders on Friday afternoons. We create a curriculum and teach the children a variety of subjects. Last time, my 4th graders…

Oh! Nostalgia
One of the many things I do here at Wellesley is serve on an e-board. An e-board (executive board) are the elected representatives of an organization. I am the historian for WCD (Wellesley for Caribbean Development). As the historian, my job is to dig up as much from WCD’s past as possible in order to create a detailed history report.…
Walking Around Campus 2.0
Hey, Last week, I promised I would give you guys my walking around Wellesley playlist. Some music, (a mix of genres) that I like to walk with (and occasionally dance to) around campus. Here it is: I hope you guys like the music on here. This is not an exhaustive list, (I have so much music), but this is a…

Classes! Classes! Classes!
This week, I thought I would take it back to the basics. Why am I at Wellesley College? The academics is one of the main reasons I chose here. The primary reason you are in college is to learn about the world and Wellesley has given me that opportunity beyond belief. In this post, I am going to list the…