Hi all, Midterm season is upon us! My midterms are looking a bit different this semester than how they have looked at Wellesley for my previous four semesters. For today’s post I thought I could do a bit of a comparison and contrast of the workload, lecture setup, and overall academic experience abroad and at Wellesley thus far! My credentials…
Tag: Lectures

From KBot to Hip Hop
It’s finally getting warmer here in Wellstown and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve gone in to town a lot this past week, and I enjoyed not feeling like my skin was going to freeze when I was walking around Boston. Plus I don’t have to wear my huge puffy coat 24/7 so I don’t look like I’m wearing the same…

Wellesley Life – it’s a balancing act.
My life: Slater, Phi Sig, consent (see SAAFE), cats, and my roommate. (Studying Eating in preparation for) Midterms It’s midterm season here at Wells and you can sense it all throughout the school. Tensions are high, study rooms are full, and the WiFi at times frustratingly slow. Especially in the Clapp Library where I used to spend the majority of my…
Busy Being Baffled!
October has been a whirlwind of a month. I promise, I’ve been studying, but I’ve found that a lot of the events (lectures, movie screenings) I attend at Wellesley are far more interesting to talk about, as well as definitive of what my experience here is really like. So, here is a quick run down of four events I attended…
Amid the Midterm Stresses, Fun Remains
Hello! This past week has been, in short, awesome. From meeting Mary Lambert last Friday, studying all weekend for my American Politics midterm, to rewarding myself by attending lectures – these past few days have been great. Though most people would think that studying for 14 contiguous hours for three days is miserable, the breath of study materials as well…