Tag: spring break

Yellow daffodils peeking up out of the ground.

Spring is in the air!

Hi everyone! I don’t know what it is about the week after spring break, but somehow it is always a really busy and tiring one. The campus just feels gloomier and quieter than normal. I personally like to blame it on the disrupted sleeping schedules. But the positive side is that since spring break ended, the semester is almost over…

Image of Tenzin standing in front of the river in Chicago.

When I’m back in Chicago, I feel it…

Happy almost April! I’m back at Wellesley after our spring break. I did not go to glamorous Miami or Cancun, but instead headed back home to Chicago; it’s basically the same thing as Miami or Cancun. Back at home, I first did a lot of shopping at malls and downtown Chicago with my family. I am doing a Wellesley-funded internship…

Image of Jade and friends on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Spring Break Recap

Hello blog, Long time no talk! I’m back from spring break and ready to take on the final six weeks of the semester. I had one of my best spring breaks yet! Usually, I just take some time off to relax at home with my family before coming back to campus. This time, though, I did that for the first…

Image of cannoli and other pastries.

Spring Break!!!

Hi everyone! I’m writing this on a Saturday night at the end of my spring break on campus. I wasn’t planning on getting anything done before tomorrow (yes, I plan not doing things, it’s very necessary sometimes), but I got a burst of energy and decided to check off some stuff off of my to-do list. So, let me tell…

Jade and friends posing together for a photo.

Almost There!

Hello Blog, Happy Spring Break! I am preemptively writing this as a way to manifest that I finish the monster of a problem set that I’m currently working on for physical chemistry. For most of the people in the course, we all took calculus virtually in high school during COVID, so we’re reaching pretty far back in our foundational math…

Image of sheet music spread across three music stands.

Midterms Season (but not for me 🙏)

Hello Blog, The couple of weeks before spring break are usually pretty busy in college, but I’m in the strange position this year where it’s quite the opposite! The first 6 weeks of the semester went by in a blur, and now I feel like I get to chug along at a normal pace. A lot of my friends are…

Spring Break Sunshine

Hello from sunny Miami! It’s spring break, and yours truly is finally having a much-needed reunion with warm weather and a few days of relaxation. I’m writing to you on the tail end of my vacation: I’m spending five days in Florida forgetting about my many responsibilities… and five days in the thesis lab back in Boston, trying to get…

South Station, sentimentality, and sunsets

Greetings from an Amtrak train car currently waiting to depart South Station…spring break is finally here! I already feel like there’s a weight off my mind, although now that I don’t have quite so much work to think about I’m starting to realize how tired I really am. I really love my train rides home. Some people get sentimental on…

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