Spring Weekend!!!

Hi everyone!

April is a month of contradiction here at Wellesley — the weather is in the 70s one day, the next it’s snowing; there are a ton of social events and people having fun, and everyone is super stressed about deadlines and exams. Last week I was fully embraced by the rainy and stressful side of April. This week though I’m fully surrounded by the sunny and fun part of the month.

Last week was Spring Weekend, which is a weekend where SBOG (Schneider Board of Governors), our campus’ social events board, organizes a lot of fun activities. First, on Friday it was Freaky Friday, which is a party outside with a DJ, food, and good vibes. I had a lot of fun there even though the music was somewhat questionable at times. The highlight was the announcement of the LDOC (last day of classes) artist this semester — CupcakKe.

Image of a banner coming down from Alumnae Hall reading CupcakKe.

Announcement of the LDOC artist

Then on Saturday it was Plazapalooza, an event where a bunch of different food trucks give us free food. I went last year, but this year me and my friends skipped it to go off campus for the day. We went to Dorchester and hit some of the stores there looking for food from our homes.

Then Monday came, and it was finally MarMon (marathon Monday)!

Image of runners in the Boston Marathon.

This is probably my favorite day on campus ever. Our campus is more or less the middle point of the Boston Marathon, so it’s a tradition to get up early, cheer on the runners, and have fun outside. Last year it was rainy, but this time around the weather was perfect and we had so much fun! There was food, tons of signs, and different activities.

Image of students congregating near the Boston Marathon route.

We always make tons of signs to cheer on the runners. Here are some of my favorites from this year:

Sign reading "Run like nobody's watching even tho we are"

Sign reading "Life is short. Running makes it feel longer."

Sign reading "At least you're not @ work!"

Sign reading "Why do all the cute ones run away?"

Sign reading "You are not tired" on a spiral background.

So, yeah, April is a really fun month at Wellesley! That’s it from me for this week. Stay safe!

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