Resume questions you’ve always wondered but were afraid to ask

“I’m a first year student…can I include experiences from high school on my resume?” You definitely can and probably should include high school experiences for the first two years of college. As you move through your college career, your high school experiences will gradually drop off and be replaced by college and summer experiences. The…

Get a Job in Law. In this Economy. In the Federal Government. Seriously.

Despite sequester, fiscal cliffs, debt ceilings and other unnatural federal government disasters, there will always be entry-level law related federal jobs.  They just will be harder to find and get. These jobs are in federal agencies all over the U.S. The Partnership for Public Service 2009 report, Where the Jobs Are: Mission Critical Opportunities for America,…

The Bay Area Business Leadership Council & Wellesley Silicon Valley Club Hosted Afternoon Career Workshop on Marketing for Students & Alumnae during Wintersession

  Photos from Sunday, January 13, 2013 The Bay Area BLCers—led by alumnae Erna Armeson, Jenny Brandemeuhl, and Leigh Marriner and Sandy Kraft (’84), Vicky Tsai (’00) and Sylvia Kuyel (’06) from the Wellesley Silicon Valley Club—co-sponsored an interactive career event on Sunday, January 13. BLC Co-chair Barbara Creed and Club President Sandy Kraft welcomed…

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