make semester dir (page of links)

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Faculty member wants to have a page like the CS 110 students page, a list of hyperlinks to student accounts, with the student’s real name as well.  Maybe for multiple sections. Here’s how I did it for CS 230 in spring 2014.

Login to Banner, navigate to the course list for cs230-01, click on the “Download Class List to Excel” link. The description is a lie: the file is a “tab-separated values” text file (TSV).  It’ll be saved to ~/Downloads/class_list.xls (on your Mac). So:

cd ~/Downloads
mv class_list.xls > cs230-01.tsv
# download other section
mv class_list.xls > cs230-02.tsv
cat cs230-0*.tsv > cs230.tsv
scp cs230.tsv anderson@cs:/tmp
ssh anderson@cs
chmod a+r /tmp/cs230.tsv
su - cs230
cd public_html
cp /tmp/cs230.tsv .
mkdir studentsS14
cp studentsS13/template.html studentsS14  # happened to have one around from last year
~cs110/bin/ studentsS14 cs230.tsv

Finally, hand-edit the file to get exactly what you want. The result looks like:

This still needs some work to be really right, and could use some additional automation, but it’s getting there.

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