Building Dialogue, Continued

In my first post, I talked about how this blog could help me communicate with faculty, staff, and students. But the fact is, those aren’t the only people who are reading The HKBlog! I found this out recently when an alumna told me she was reading it, too.

What I should have said is that this blog will help me stay connected to the entire Wellesley community—including faculty, staff, and students, of course, but also alumnae, Trustees, parents, and friends.

After all, the Wellesley community extends far beyond the boundaries of the campus.

When I first thought of this blog, I envisioned it as a form of local communication. Not realizing at a visceral level that this blog could be global—and not just local—is, alas, characteristic of generations of a certain age.

Building Dialogue

I was pleased when CIO Ravi Ravishanker told me his plan to unveil a blogging platform to the Wellesley College community.  I had been thinking for some time about how a President’s blog could help me communicate with Wellesley faculty, staff, and students.  I am happy to have a new medium for this kind of dialogue.

This blog will give me the opportunity to tell you about important and/or interesting things that are going on at the College. It will also allow me to tell you about the things that I am thinking about, worrying about, or happy about. I hope that some of you will suggest topics that you would like to see in my blog. Now or in the future, leave me a comment here, or send an email to

I’m looking forward to connecting with the College community in a new and interactive way!