On September 29th, 2015, Planned Parenthood organized a #PinkOut hashtag, to give Twitter users a forum in which to show support for the group. However, data collected with the #PinkOut hashtag shows one of the most polarized co-retweeted networks we have collected on TwitterTrails, far more polarized than even US electoral debates!

Attempting to undermine #PinkOut, some Twitter users opposed to Planned Parenthood suggested their own hashtag: #BlackOut. On the 28th, @PolitiBunny tweeted: “Stand w/the babies on Sept 29, make your avi black & white, #BLACKout ur banner photo to protest @PPFA’s #PinkOut. We need you! #Life #ccot”
Thus, a Twitter “war” of attention was waged; or rather, another “battle” in a long standing social media feud. This blog post explores the polarization in the network, and the two opposing hashtags.