Category Archives: True Claims

Blog posts discussing stories based on claims which we have verified to be true.

False and True rumors look very differently on TwitterTrails

News of Turkish airplane shooting down a Russian one over the Turkish-Syrian border has dominated the news and the social media lately. We investigated the rumor within hours after it appeared (24 Nov. 2015) and you can see the ressults of the analysis here:

This was not the first time a rumor of this kind emerged. About a month and a half ago (10 Oct. 2015) an identical rumor had emerged. We had investigated that rumor too and you can see the results of our anaysis here:

Russian jet downing rumors

As you can see, based on the crowd’s reaction to the rumors, TwitterTrails was able to determine that the October rumor was false while the November one was true. The false rumor did not spread much and had a lot of skeptical tweets questioning its validity. On the other hand, the true rumor spread much higher and in terms of skepticism was undisputed.

Our understanding of the way the “wisdom of the crowd” works is that, when unbiased, emotionally cool observers see a rumor that seems suspicious, they usually react in one of two ways: They either do not retweet it, reducing its spread, or they may respond questioning the validity of the rumor, resulting in higher skepticism.

Continue reading False and True rumors look very differently on TwitterTrails

Girl Shoots Gun Instructor

hoax-tweetsOn August 25th, 2014, a 9 year old girl accidentally shot and killed her gun instructor while learning how to fire an Uzi.  It sounds outrageous enough to be a hoax–an article from the Onion–but various high profile news media outlets confirm the tragic shooting, which captures international attention for days following the incident.

Investigating this story using the Trails system reveals what we would expect to see from a true story: dozens of verified accounts tweeting about it, receiving hundreds of retweets.  However, we also find a persistent though low profile attempt on Twitter to disprove this story.  In this post, we study the emergence of a spam-like conspiracy theory surrounding the accidental shooting.

Explore this story on TwitterTrails, or read on for our observations. Continue reading Girl Shoots Gun Instructor

Oregon High School Shooting

To describe how the Trails system works, we will go over the propagation of a recent story:

On June 10, 2014, @cnnbrk posted the tweet shown below, reporting a shooting in an Oregon high school.

Shooter killed student at Oregon's Reynolds High School this morning, police say. Shooter also dead.

Coming from a source like CNN (and a verified Twitter account), we expect this story to be true.  Will we use the Trails tool to investigate it further: possibly, to back up our assumption that it is true, and also to see how it spread on Twitter and which users influenced the discussion.

Explore this story with the Trails system!

Continue reading Oregon High School Shooting