Post Valentine’s Love

Hello Everyone!!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I kept forgetting. I know that sounds so sad and all but I guess I've just been too busy and caught up with things that were more important that I forgot that it was already the 14th. Best part about Valentines day though is the AFTER Valentine's day CANDY SALE. MMHMM. which I haven't done yet but I will tomorrow. 😀

This week, I have been busy as usual. 

My friend and I both student teach at Wellesley Middle School. We decided to try and create and implement a new volunteer/mentoring program that bridges students from the middle school with college students in order to hone in on better study skills, social skills, and help on the subject areas. So far we have been very successful finding support from both the Middle school administration and the Wellesley College community. I hope people get excited and we can get this program on the road. Ultimately we want to get this program funded to keep it running for the next years. (After all both Nita and I are both Seniors.)

I have also been seeing a friend of mine who is a Junior a lot these last couple of weeks. She was abroad last semester so I am SO glad to have her back. We are planning on going out to dinner during Boston's restaurant week. and LAST weekend, we went to Chinatown together and had a good taiwanese/chinese style meal. Luckily for us (especially me), the Chinese new year celebration was being held. I hadn't seen a real chinese lunar new year celebration so it was definitely a new experience. My friend Jo told me all the traditions and what the lion dance, the cabbage, and firecracker all represented symbolically. I thought it was really really really fascinating. Honestly, I don't think I had seen anything like it. It was quite a site. If you are ever near Chinatown during Chinese New Year, I highly recommend going not only for the celebration but for the DELICIOUS food. honestly, best food trip so far this year. :D 

Taiwan cafe 2:11

Chinese new year

Wellesley, as tough as it is, has given me a lot of opportunities to see and experience different things that I would not have had the chance to experience if I hadn't come to this college. Some of the basic things are experiencing Boston, the dreaded cold, four distinct seasons, and what not. Although I guess you can argue that I would have done that nonetheless and I would have eventually MAYBE come out but who knows. Now I know I have had that experience. 

I used to be in Wellesley College Choir and together we went on tour to ITALY. We went to Rome and Sorrento. It was beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. I had a lot of fun and I dont think I would have been able to have that experience otherwise. We got to see the pope and get blessings from him. We sang in the most BEAUTIFUL churches I have ever seen. It was definitely an experience I will never forget.  P1280353


I also went abroad during my Junior year to Korea. And during that time, I traveled all over the Korean peninsula. I got to explore the cities and the countryside, try korean food that I (although I am korean) haven't tried before. I also had the chance to go to JAPAN during that abroad experience. It was quite awesome. I dont think that I could have done that if it wasn't for Wellesley. Yea you can go abroad with other colleges. But I don't know if I would have though. It was a great experience that Wellesley really convinced me was right for me. And it was. Anyways… I have travelled a lot because of Wellesley and honestly I couldn't be more grateful about that. I really want to travel some more after graduation when I have time and money. (money more being the more important issue of course… ha ha ha. T-T) 




Well… that's all I have for today guys.

Much Love, STAY WARM, and stay healthy (everyones getting sick lately)

<3 CHL

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