Author: jk105

End of Semester Sprint

Hello Blog! As the semester comes to an end, it seems like everything is happening in a blur. I’ll be honest, when the semester starts speeding up, I start to lose all perception of time. From courses steamrolling ahead to the end, ensembles preparing for final performances and exhibitions, and just the quantity of on-campus events to attend, it can…

Life’s So Fun!!! (Spring Weekend Recap)

Hello Blog,   As promised, here is your Spring Weekend / Marathon Monday recap: Wellesley College edition. The entire weekend was a highlight of my spring semester, so let’s go by it day by day.   Friday: First, I got to see the actual physical bells in the bell tower! I play the carillon as a part of the Guild…

Spring break here I come!

Hello Blog! I made it! I’ve finished my last classes before spring break, and I will not lie, it has been such a long stretch this semester without a break. The way this semester has worked out is that we have 9 weeks before spring break and only 4-5 weeks including finals after that. The semester has gone by so…

Home Stretch

Hello Blog! It’s the last week before spring break! Luckily, I actually don’t have a lot of midterms this week –  just have the normal amount of problem sets and readings due. I’ll be leading a discussion in my nanoscience class, which should be a lot of work, but I got to choose my article (nanotube detectors for meat spoilage),…

A Weekend in my Life

Hello Blog! I’ve officially made it through one of my crazier weeks of the semester! In celebration, I’m going to try something a little different and take you through a relatively busy weekend for me. We will begin after my last class of the day on Friday…   Friday: Lunch at El Table: El Table is one of the student-run…

Fluffy Friends!

Hello Blog! It is officially midterms season at Wellesley! This week I have my first paper of the semester due and a big physics test, so needless to say, I’ve been spending a lot of time studying. But it’s always important to maintain a balance, so here’s a rundown of some highlights from the past week – academically and fun! …

Sea, Sickness, and Study Spots!

Hello Blog! Welcome back to another alliteratively-titled post! As the title suggests, I’ve been recovering from a cold so apologies for the delayed post. I have to say, one great thing about living close to campus is that I can go home when I’m feeling sick. My brief stay also overlapped with my little brother’s February break so we got…

Work Hard Play Hard 😤

Hello Blog! This is the week. I’ve been gearing up for a presentation in my research lab for the past few weeks (and let’s be honest, the past 8 months I’ve been in the lab), and it’s happening on Friday! This is a presentation essentially summarizing the research I’ve been involved with since I joined the lab as well as…

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