Category: Food and Drink
Subway Queen
Another crazy week of adventuring around Beijing has now come to pass. I spend a lot of time on the subway here. Even when all I do is go to work and back, it seems like a large portion of my day is spent hopping on and off (and on and off) the rails. And while everyone around me (for…
I’m living in a frat house!
Hello~! Indeed. As I type this, I am sitting by my window that looks out onto Mass Ave. It’s a great view and a great source of natural light that fills my entire room. My view: I started reading Les Mis and it is a BRICK of a book!! But it pulls you right in. At the moment, my…
Like Dark Chocolate: Bittersweet
On Thursday night the team and I attended the Scholar Athlete Celebration. Every year they feed us Ben & Jerry’s and tell us how cool we all are;) It’s a lot of fun. The team played a game where we all tried to take as many funny pictures of our coach as possible. Extra points for selfies! Then on Saturday…