Category: Fun

Jam sessions, symphonies and getting things together

Good morning to all of you! At least its still morning as I write here, one of those rare mornings where it seems New England has rediscovered impossibly blue skies. Walking to my blog-writing seat in admissions from Philosophy class, I witnessed a Wellesley student rescuing a fuzzy little brown and black caterpillar from an oncoming admissions tour on the…

Halloween & Cross Country NEWMAC Race!

This year Wellesley Track & Field celebrated Halloween in style:) On Saturday night, the track team all gathered at Coach Meg’s house for a team dinner. #HalloweenTheme! The highlight of the evening: dinner was continuously interrupted by Trick or Treater’s at the door. We all took turns handing out candy (and eating candy lol).   On Saturday, the track team…

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