Category: New England Weather

Hello. It’s me (Shreya)!

Hello hello! My name is Shreya, and I’m a sophomore at Wellesley this year. I hail from America’s finest city, also known as San Diego, California. I’m a Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major, and a Health and Society minor. After coming back from a meaningful and productive summer internship, I am super excited for this semester!   I’m taking the…

Twenty Two

I turned twenty two last Thursday. At first, I woke up and looked out the window and felt a little older. And then I immediately remembered that I had left my Western blots in the wrong buffer last night leaving the lab, and hoped they were okay (they were). Maybe that’s what being twenty two is. A combination of feeling…

Alpaca Adventuring

I don’t know what it was that possessed me to call up the Harvard Alpaca Ranch on the phone. It’s one of the odder conversations I’ve had recently, asking a stranger if I could come pet their alpacas. It turns out that alpacas are rather wary animals, not too keen on being petted but VERY keen on eating any and…

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