Category: Sports

Guess Who’s HOME

I’m baaacckkkk! I returned to Wellesley on Sunday afternoon in the midst of a torrential downpour. My loving family got soaking wet helping me unpack the car into my temporary wintersession housing in McAfee. During January, everyone on campus lives on the east side of campus in Freeman, McAfee, or Bates, regardless of where you live during the school terms. Wintersession…

Halloween & Cross Country NEWMAC Race!

This year Wellesley Track & Field celebrated Halloween in style:) On Saturday night, the track team all gathered at Coach Meg’s house for a team dinner. #HalloweenTheme! The highlight of the evening: dinner was continuously interrupted by Trick or Treater’s at the door. We all took turns handing out candy (and eating candy lol).   On Saturday, the track team…

Orientation begins!

I’m so excited!!! Orientation has gotten off to a great start. All the fall athletes are back on campus and Wellesley feels less like summer camp and more like school everyday.


A beautiful picture of the lake I snapped the other day while on a stroll around campus.

I’m getting excited for classes to start. This semester, I’m taking a class at Babson called Personal Nutrition. I’m pretty excited to learn about the science of digestion and health without having to spend three hours in a lab once a week:) Also, I’ve never taken a course off campus so it will be a great adventure!

My other courses aren’t 100% finalized yet… by the time you get to be a senior you kind of stop worrying about it. I know it will work out. I do know I’m taking the last Chinese language course available to me. I’m not sure how I’ll continue my language studies next semester. That will be an interesting dilemma… I am contemplating creating an independent language study course.

In other news, I have begun job searching. This basically consists of me googling cool companies that I like and know and seeing if they’re hiring or offering summer internships. It’s actually pretty fun:) I’m hoping to get some of the leg work done now so that when I start to get stressed I already have some ideas. A lot of my friends are planning to go right to grad school so their paths are a little more straightforward (but just as demanding).

To all the first years who have just arrived on campus, welcome:) I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other around. Please come eat with me if you see a short brunette decked out in Wellesley Blue in the dining halls;)


This was too good not to share: Athlete Mentors chowing down on a Ben & Jerry’s Vermontster. #ColdTimes


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