Category: Weekends

From KBot to Hip Hop
It’s finally getting warmer here in Wellstown and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve gone in to town a lot this past week, and I enjoyed not feeling like my skin was going to freeze when I was walking around Boston. Plus I don’t have to wear my huge puffy coat 24/7 so I don’t look like I’m wearing the same…

House of Caaaaaaaaards
So I’ve had a relatively uneventful week. I think the biggest thing I’ve accomplished since last Wednesday has been starting and finishing Season 3 of House of Cards this past weekend. Friday through Sunday, that’s pretty much all I did. and I have no regrets. This season wasn’t as good as the other two (season 2’s my fav) but for…

Currently writing this post from the Boston Public Library. I’ve always been a huge fan of libraries and bookstores, because I really liked the librarians at my high school and for most of middle and high school I was a huge bookworm. I used to spend a lot of time at the Clapp Library on campus, but recently it’s been…