Tag: boston

Avery holding a box full of freshly picked strawberries.

June Adventures!

Hey bloggies, (this is what I’ve decided I’m calling you now) welcome back to Avery’s super cool, second ever, blog post. I hope y’all had a spectacular June. I know I sure did! If I had describe this month in a song, I’d do so with this one:     With that being said, now I’m gonna share some more…

Image of Avery looking at a statue

Hello Blog!

Hi blog, welcome to my page! I’ll be regularly posting weekly recaps for the next few months as I work in the Wellesley Admissions Office this summer. In my first ever post, I’ll be introducing myself and sharing a few pictures from my first ever summer in Massachusetts! My name is Avery, and I grew up in Arizona. However, I…

Tibetan food in two white bowls.

New Semester, New Me

Happy spring semester! It’s a new year, new semester, and I’m feeling optimistic. Spring is my favorite time at Wellesley: the weather slowly gets warmer, it no longer gets dark at four pm, and there’s the promise of summer not so far away. I had a hectic but enjoyable winter break. I headed back home and went on an overnight…

Two steaming bowls full of Korean food

Answering Wellesley FAQs

This is the last full week of classes at Wellesley! We have classes until next Wednesday, which is followed by reading period, and then final exams are upon us. If you do not know what reading period is, it is four days between the end of classes and the start of finals; there are no classes, and we allocate our…

Image of two kittens, one brown and one black, lying down on top of colorful blankets surrounded by toys.

Restful Fall Break 🍁

Last week was fall break at Wellesley! If you don’t know what fall break is, it’s a long weekend every October at Wellesley where we have no classes on Monday and Tuesday in addition to the regular weekend. Students use it as an opportunity to rest, catch up on schoolwork, explore Boston, go to New York City or elsewhere along…

Image of Sammy Rae and the Friends performing onstage.

My Fall Traditions :)

Hello Blog! Yesterday was one of my favorite traditions at Wellesley – Lake Day! On one day in the fall semester, while the weather is still pretty warm, the college president will send out a surprise email saying that it is simply too beautiful outside and all classes are canceled. The Schneider Board of Governors (SBOG), our student-run campus-wise activities…

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